Heti adag

#12. adás

Ebben az adásban szó volt az új carna-szájtról, a legújabb Durex kotonreklámról, az indexes hülyee hirdetési módszerekről, a wacom tabletről, a valid szájtbildelés buktatóiról, az Android operációs rendszerről, és elhangzik benne sok csúnya szó...

Küldök hírt

Küldök linket

Sed ornare mi at orci. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque viverra nonummy felis. Ut semper mi sed augue. Nulla nulla. Praesent lobortis. Proin dignissim, quam non tincidunt imperdiet, lectus lorem tincidunt risus, eget tincidunt nisl ligula sed massa. Duis et enim. Integer posuere lectus in erat.

Küldök oldalt a Hall of Fame-ba

Donec auctor eleifend ligula. Nunc ut eros sit amet ante molestie ornare. Cras venenatis. Vivamus dictum lacus quis erat. Sed in leo sit amet arcu consectetuer euismod. Maecenas eros mi, lobortis non, suscipit et, placerat eget, eros. Mauris lorem elit, luctus quis, volutpat at, porta in, est. Nunc nisl. Donec tempus faucibus ante. Morbi tincidunt. Nunc et est. Etiam eget est sed augue sollicitudin porta. Donec ullamcorper tellus non risus. Etiam feugiat gravida libero.

Küldök álláshirdetést

Mauris lorem elit, luctus quis, volutpat at, porta in, est. Nunc nisl. Donec tempus faucibus ante. Morbi tincidunt. Nunc et est. Etiam eget est sed augue sollicitudin porta. Donec ullamcorper tellus non risus. Etiam feugiat gravida libero.

Küldök témát a Heti adagba

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar facilisis diam. Etiam in pede quis enim tempor viverra. Duis ultrices, orci quis pharetra sodales, lorem purus blandit nibh, at iaculis tellus neque vel erat. Aenean et neque euismod turpis malesuada faucibus. Cras quis enim in pede ullamcorper dapibus. Sed interdum. Praesent in odio.

Küldök fejlesztési ötleteket

Donec auctor eleifend ligula. Nunc ut eros sit amet ante molestie ornare. Cras venenatis. Vivamus dictum lacus quis erat. Sed in leo sit amet arcu consectetuer euismod. Maecenas eros mi, lobortis non, suscipit et, placerat eget, eros. Mauris lorem elit, luctus quis, volutpat at, porta in, est. Nunc nisl. Donec tempus faucibus ante. Morbi tincidunt. Nunc et est. Etiam eget est sed augue sollicitudin porta. Donec ullamcorper tellus non risus. Etiam feugiat gravida libero.



  • Designs that attempt to reflect my sense of the times we are living in, and both how richly interesting they are and how difficult it is for most of us to navigate their..
    Balogjózsi 2007-05-12 15:02
  • How difficult it is for most of us to navigate their..
    Tevehajcsár 2007-05-12 15:02
  • Reflect my sense of the times we are living in, and both how richly interesting they are and how difficult it is for most.
    Raw Olegson 2007-05-12 15:02
  • Times we are living in, and both how richly interesting they are and how difficult it is for most.
    Mustafa 2007-05-12 15:02
  • How difficult it is for most of us to navigate theirare living in, and both how richly interesting they are and how difficult it is for most.
    Tevehajcsár 2007-05-12 15:02

+ Én is üzenek!


  • Reflect my sense of the times we are living in, and both how richly interesting they are and how difficult it is for most további infó
  • Designs that attempt to reflect my sense of the times we are living in, and both how richly interesting they are and how difficult it is for most of us to navigate theirtovábbi infó
  • Reflect my sense of the times we are living in, and both how richly interesting they are and how difficult it is for most további infó


  • Reflect my sense of the times we are living in, and both how richly interesting they are and how difficult it is for most további infó
  • Designs that attempt to reflect my sense of the times we are living in, and both how richly interesting they are and how difficult it is for most of us to navigate theirtovábbi infó
  • Reflect my sense of the times we are living in, and both how richly interesting they are and how difficult it is for most további infó